
Sunday, January 20, 2008


Have been reading Ramayana for the last couple of months.. Well, dont be surprised.. I am reading Ramayana written by Ashok K. Banker. My friend Shekhar had recommended this series of 6 volumes and although my initial opinion of the first book wasnt so great, I have begun to like it.

The whole story is written in six volumes. The author as claimed by him in the first few pages of each book, has done a lot of research and tried to depict through these books, the true story of Ram as understood by him.

Some aspects of the book can be quite offending. Ofcourse, one wouldn't expect Lakshman to be called "Luck" and Shatrugan to be called "Shot". Also, one would be quite surprised to find Lakshman teasing Ram about Sita.

On the whole, it isnt that "dharmic" as the title sounds. Quite an interesting read actually and difficult to keep down at times. The language is a little casual though. Would recommend all book lovers to definitely try it out.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why... ???

There are a lot of questions that keep cropping in my mind. A lot of them have already been there throughout my life. It is just that I have never been able to spell them out, or compile them properly enough, to be able to ask. Would like to ask them in this forum. Let me see if anyone is able to answer.

1. Why is it that for most of the Indian Girls, their names end with either "a" or "i" ? (Example - Rani, Aishwarya, Madhuri, Preeti, Deepika etc.....)

2. Why is it that drinking water after eating ghee filled food bad for health ? I remember my Mom always used to prohibit drinking water whenever we had "halua"

3. How come astrology exists as a profession ? Wouldnt the world be a better place astrology was actually a science (I am not even asking it to be exact), and not a post mortem report ? Wouldnt the astrologers just tell if India would be out of the world cup in the first round - atleast give a probability if not exactly predict.

Answer these questions people. I will keep pouring my doubts in this forum from now on.
Phew !!! Its been a long time..My last post was sometime in May... The reason I am writing today is because I am already in a flow of it. Had written a stupid essay in the XAT entrance test a couple of days back. Am also write now filling up admission forms for a colleague. I guess it is very important to be in the habit... otherwise things get very difficult. I know because I faced a lot of problems in being able to write straight last Sunday. Forget the content.

Life's been having a lot of ups and downs. Didnt clear CAT. Well knew it that I am not clearing, but still, it feels horrible when the result is out in Black & White. Work is going on well, so no issues on that front. Boss keeps on giving work and I have to keep on obliging, but I guess that is a part of life, and will be till the time I have a boss.

Anyways.. will try and keep writing in the new year.. so long ppl... bbye